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IPL skin rejuvination

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IPL Skin Rejuvenation is a breakthrough treatment that can correct a variety of skin conditions that affect us aesthetically, such as facial imperfections, facial redness, rosacea, photo-aging, birthmarks, small veins, and other blemishes. It is a safe, non-invasive solution tailored to your skin type to provide superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction by using intense pulse light and remodelling the superficial layers of the skin. IPL also gives the skin that youthful glow and reduces the appearance of line and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, for a firmer and tighter appearance.


Prior to coming in for a consultation/patch test you will need to arrive no make up, no use of steroid creams, retinols or topical prescribed creams from your GP within 2 weeks. Please contact us at Dermalase if this applies to you.



Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. Before any treatment, our consultation ensures we understand your medical history and unique needs. We'll create a personalised treatment plan just for you and carry out a patch test best suited to your skin. To begin your journey for your desired skin please book a Consultation/patch test booked online (£25)



Most people describe the treatment as moderate and tolerable. It’s much the same as laser hair removal. Most clients want to return for more treatments of skin rejuvenation as the results always outweigh any discomfort that some clients may feel.



We prefer to start clients off at 3 sessions, some people require 6 sessions for best results, but everyone is different. This will be discussed and explained at the consultation and we will advise if we think 3 or 6 treatments would be most effective. Typically, clients should attend at 2-4 week intervals. Thereafter, maintenance sessions will be required to keep up best skin health at 8-12 week appointments, but this can differ between each individual. 

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